24 research outputs found

    GREEN-PSO: Conserving Function Evaluations in Particle Swarm Optimization

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    particle swarm optimization; swarm intelligence. In the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm, the expense of evaluating the objective function can make it difficult, or impossible, to use this approach effectively; reducing the number of necessary function evaluations would make it possible to apply the PSO algorithm more widely. Many function approximation techniques have been developed that address this issue, but an alternative to function approximation is function conservation. We describe GREEN-PSO (GR-PSO), an algorithm that, given a fixed number of function evaluations, conserves those function evaluations by probabilistically choosing a subset of particles smaller than the entire swarm on each iteration and allowing only those particles to perform function evaluations. The “surplus ” of function evaluations thus created allows a greater number of particles and/or iterations. In spite of the loss of information resulting from this more parsimonious use of function evaluations, GR-PSO performs as well as, or better than, the standard PSO algorithm on a set of six benchmark functions, both in terms of the rate of error reduction and the quality of the final solution.

    Initial Experiments in Using Communication Swarms to Improve the Performance of Swarm Systems

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    Abstract. Swarm intelligence can provide robust, adaptable, scalable solutions to difficult problems. The distributed nature of swarm activity is the basis of these desirable qualities, but it also prevents swarm-based techniques from having direct access to global knowledge that could facilitate the task at hand. Our experiments indicate that a swarm system can use an auxiliary swarm, called a communication swarm, to create and distribute an approximation of useful global knowledge, without sacrificing robustness, adaptability, and scalability. We describe a communication swarm and validate its effectiveness on a simple problem.

    APPSSAT: Approximate probabilistic planning using stochastic satisfiability

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    AbstractWe describe appssat, an anytime probabilistic contingent planner based on zander, a probabilistic contingent planner that operates by converting the planning problem to a stochastic satisfiability (Ssat) problem and solving that problem instead [S.M. Majercik, M.L. Littman, Contingent planning under uncertainty via stochastic satisfiability, Artificial Intelligence 147 (2003) 119–162]. The values of some of the variables in an Ssat instance are probabilistically determined; appssat considers the most likely instantiations of these variables (the most probable situations facing the agent) and attempts to construct an approximation of the optimal plan that succeeds under those circumstances, improving that plan as time permits. Given more time, less likely instantiations/situations are considered and the plan is revised as necessary. In some cases, a plan constructed to address a relatively low percentage of possible situations will succeed for situations not explicitly considered as well, and may return an optimal or near-optimal plan. We describe experimental results showing that appssat can find suboptimal plans in cases in which zander is unable to find the optimal (or any) plan. Although the test problems are small, the anytime quality of appssat means that it has the potential to efficiently derive suboptimal plans in larger, time-critical domains in which zander might not have sufficient time to calculate any plan. We also suggest further work needed to bring appssat closer to attacking real-world problems

    Contingent planning under uncertainty via stochastic satisfiability

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    We describe a new planning technique that efficiently solves probabilistic propositional contingent planning problems by converting them into instances of stochastic satisfiability (SSAT) and solving these problems instead. We make fundamental contributions in two areas: the solution of SSAT problems and the solution of stochastic planning problems. This is the first work extending the planning-as-satisfiability paradigm to stochastic domains. Our planner, ZANDER, can solve arbitrary, goal-oriented, finite-horizon partially observable Markov decision processes (POMDPs). An empirical study comparing ZANDER to seven other leading planners shows that its performance is competitive on a range of problems. © 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

    Faster probabilistic planning through more efficient stochastic satisfiability problem encodings

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    The propositional contingent planner ZANDER solves finitehorizon, partially observable, probabilistic planning problems at state-of-the-art-speeds by converting the planning problem to a stochastic satisfiability (SSAT) problem and solving that problem instead (Majercik 2000). ZANDER obtains these results using a relatively inefficient SSAT encoding of the problem (a linear action encoding with classical frame axioms). We describe and analyze three alternative SSAT encodings for probabilistic planning problems: a linear action encoding with simple explanatory frame axioms, a linear action encoding with complex explanatory frame axioms, and a parallel action encoding. Results on a suite of test problems indicate that linear action encodings with simple explanatory frame axioms and parallel action encodings show particular promise, improving ZANDER’s efficiency by as much as three orders of magnitude

    Generalized Craig Interpolation for Stochastic Boolean Satisfiability Problems with Applications to Probabilistic State Reachability and Region Stability

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    The stochastic Boolean satisfiability (SSAT) problem has been introduced by Papadimitriou in 1985 when adding a probabilistic model of uncertainty to propositional satisfiability through randomized quantification. SSAT has many applications, among them probabilistic bounded model checking (PBMC) of symbolically represented Markov decision processes. This article identifies a notion of Craig interpolant for the SSAT framework and develops an algorithm for computing such interpolants based on a resolution calculus for SSAT. As a potential application area of this novel concept of Craig interpolation, we address the symbolic analysis of probabilistic systems. We first investigate the use of interpolation in probabilistic state reachability analysis, turning the falsification procedure employing PBMC into a verification technique for probabilistic safety properties. We furthermore propose an interpolation-based approach to probabilistic region stability, being able to verify that the probability of stabilizing within some region is sufficiently large

    The blockchain: a new framework for robotic swarm systems

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    Swarms of robots will revolutionize many industrial applications, from targeted material delivery to precision farming. However, several of the heterogeneous characteristics that make them ideal for certain future applications --- robot autonomy, decentralized control, collective emergent behavior, etc. --- hinder the evolution of the technology from academic institutions to real-world problems. Blockchain, an emerging technology originated in the Bitcoin field, demonstrates that by combining peer-to-peer networks with cryptographic algorithms a group of agents can reach an agreement on a particular state of affairs and record that agreement without the need for a controlling authority. The combination of blockchain with other distributed systems, such as robotic swarm systems, can provide the necessary capabilities to make robotic swarm operations more secure, autonomous, flexible and even profitable. This work explains how blockchain technology can provide innovative solutions to four emergent issues in the swarm robotics research field. New security, decision making, behavior differentiation and business models for swarm robotic systems are described by providing case scenarios and examples. Finally, limitations and possible future problems that arise from the combination of these two technologies are described

    APPSSAT: Approximate probabilistic planning using stochastic satisfiability

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    Abstract. We describe APPSSAT, an anytime probabilistic contingent planner based on ZANDER, a probabilistic contingent planner that operates by converting the planning problem to a stochastic satisfiability (Ssat) problem and solving that problem instead [1]. The values of some of the variables in an Ssat instance are probabilistically determined; APPSSAT considers the most likely instantiations of these variables (the most probable situations facing the agent) and attempts to construct an approximation of the optimal plan that succeeds under those circumstances, improving that plan as time permits. Given more time, less likely instantiations/situations are considered and the plan is revised as necessary. In some cases, a plan constructed to address a relatively low percentage of possible situations will succeed for situations not explicitly considered as well, and may return an optimal or near-optimal plan. This means that APPSSAT can sometimes find optimal plans faster than ZANDER. And the anytime quality of APPSSAT means that suboptimal plans could be efficiently derived in larger time-critical domains in which ZANDER might not have sufficient time to calculate the optimal plan. We describe some preliminary experimental results and suggest further work needed to bring APPSSAT closer to attacking real-world problems.